Floor heating
Why choose underfloor heating from Braakman BV?
More and more people are choosing to heat their homes with floor heating and floor cooling. That is not surprising, because floor heating provides the most even and comfortable heating and cooling in the home and is ideally suited for gasless heating systems and cooling systems such as a heat pump or geothermal system.
Floor heating can be installed using the following methods:
Milling floor heating
Milling floor heating into an existing floor? This mounting method is used in both new construction and renovation. We have four different floors that can be milled with this method:
– Zandcement vloer;
– Tegelvloer (de bestaande tegelvloer hoeft niet te worden verwijderd);
– Betonvloer (de frees wordt gekoeld met water);
– Fermacell / Knauf Brio vloer (wordt toegepast op houten ondervloer).
Milling dust-free floor heating with our own unique system
Braakman has developed its own system for milling floors that is unique in this sector: the newly developed truck combination can extract 6,000 kg of dust or water in a day. The two turbo-suction pumps, developed by Braakman itself, ensure a dust-free working method, with the advantage that everything is immediately removed (so no waste). This method makes milling in concrete no problem for us. Milling in fermacell is often used on wooden floors. Both the delivery and installation of the fermacell are taken care of by Braakman.
Installation on wire mesh mats
Installing floor heating on a shrink net / wire mesh mat? This mounting method is often used in new construction of homes. The floor heating pipe is secured to a 3mm wire steel net using a special braiding machine, which is also supplied and installed by Braakman.
Montage op wapeningsnetten
Applying floor heating to underarmament? This mounting method is often used in large commercial buildings. The floor heating pipe is mounted on the reinforcement mesh (construction mesh) and is covered with concrete.
Installation on tacker plates
Want to have a floating floor made with floor heating? This mounting method is often used in apartments or flats (stacked houses). The floor heating is mounted on a tacker plate (insulation plate). The reason for this is that a so-called floating floor is created. The big advantage of this is that it limits noise pollution. Braakman also supplies and installs this plate himself.